
Scientific Guidelines

Abstract Submission for Postgraduate Students

1. Category: Student Paper

General Guidelines

Presenter must be registered delegate for PEDOSOCH 2025.

Abstract should be original and should not be published or presented anywhere in the past.
Only one presenter is allowed for paper presentation.
Only postgraduate students from II MDS and III MDS are allowed for paper presentation.
Abstracts received which are not following submission guidelines and received after the deadline will not be considered unless the deadline is extended.
After the abstract submittal, you will be sent an automatic e-mail confirming your successful submission. E-mail will also be used to confirm acceptance/rejection. If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail, please contact the scientific congress through email.
Each session would have the best presentation award in the respective category of presentation.
The abstract needs to be submitted as per the abstract submission template provided below.
The study done should be categorised under either of the following title - Original Research; Systematic review and Meta Analysis; Case Reports.
Submission file should be renamed using the following format - Conference Registration number/Category/ Type [Original Research (OR), Systematic Review and Meta Analysis (SM), Case Reports(CR)].

Paper Presentation

Language – English
Only one presenter is allowed for each Scientific Paper.
Presentation should be on Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or a newer version.
Title of Presentation in Arial/Times New Roman font: Size 14 point.
Body of the Abstract use Times New Roman/Arial Font size 12 point.
Paragraphs should be justified (Straight – Edged) on both left and right.
Use single line spacing.
Presenters should strictly adhere to the allotted time and not to exceed the allotted time.
Maximum time duration: 06+02=08 minutes (Presentation + Q & A).
Identity/ Affiliation of the Presenting Author should not be displayed in the ppt presentation.
Conference Registration Number and type to be inserted into the Title Slide [Upper right corner].

Abstract Template

Abstract Title:
Title of Presentation in Arial/ Times New Roman font: Size 14 point. Each word should begin with a capital letter except transition words; Title should not be longer than 20 words.

Abstract Body:
For Body of Abstract use Times New Roman font/ Arial Font Size 12 point. Paragraphs should be justified (straight-edged) on both left and right. Use single-line spacing.

Structured Abstract for Original Research

Background/ Purpose
Methods: Methods, Materials and Analytical procedure
Results: Summary of the results in sufficient detail
Conclusion - The total number of words for abstract - 250 Words not including title, or section headings.

Structured Abstract for Case Reports/Case Series

Introduction: Background of the disease or condition.
Clinical Case [Key points- Clinical Findings, Diagnostic evaluation, treatment and Follow-Up].
Conclusion: Conclusion and Clinical Implications.
The total number of words for abstract – 150 Words Not including title, or section headings.

Please note that incomplete abstracts will not be accepted.

Structured Abstract for Systematic Reviews/ Meta – Analysis

Aim: Introduction for Research question
Methods: Includes search strategy, inclusion/ exclusion criteria, data collection, analysis and synthesis.
Results: Findings of the review should be clearly presented. Results of statistical analyses should also be included in this section.
Images, tables and visual data cannot be submitted.
The total number of words for abstract – 250

2. Category: Student Poster

General guidelines for Poster Presentation

The poster should be prepared in Portrait format and with least amount of background graphics for easy readability.
The size of the poster should be 2 Feet X 3 Feet.
The printed poster should have minimum font size of 22 (Times New Roman or equivalent)
The poster should be readable from 1.5 – 2 meters
Only Post Graduate Students from I MDS are allowed for participation
Maximum two Post Graduate Students can participate for each poster.
Maximum time- 2+1=3 minutes (presentation + Q & A)
[Strictly adhere to the allotted time and not to exceed to avoid negative marking.] Identity/ Affiliation of the Presenting Author should not be displayed in the poster.
Conference Registration Number to be inserted on the Upper right corner of the poster.

Poster Set – up presentation:

The Printed Poster (Portrait format - 2 feet X 3 feet) has to be brought by the presenter. You will be given a poster board and date and time of poster display and judging. Kindly stick to your time and date. After presentation the poster can be taken back.

Abstract Submission for Life Members

Oral/Paper Presentation (Faculty/Practitioners)

General Guidelines

Presenter must be registered delegate for PEDOSOCH 2025.

Abstract should be original and should not be published or presented anywhere in the past.
Only one presenter is allowed for paper presentation.
The study done should be categorised under either of the following title - Original Research; Systematic review and Meta Analysis; Case Reports .
Abstracts received which are not following submission guidelines and received after the deadline will not be considered unless the deadline is extended.
After the abstract submittal, you will be sent an automatic e-mail confirming your successful submission. E-mail will also be used to confirm acceptance/rejection. If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail please contact the scientific congress through email.
Each session would have the best presentation of the session award in the respective category of presentation.
Time limit for paper presentation :Faculty -08 mins (6+2)mins Q & A.
Submission file should be renamed as Conference Registration number and Category.
Submission file should be renamed using the following format - Conference Registration number/Category/ Type [Original Research (OR), Systematic Review and Meta Analysis (SM), Case Reports(CR)].

Paper Presentation

Language - English
Only one presenter is allowed for each Scientific Paper.
Presentation should be on Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or a newer version.
Title Of Presentation in Arial/Times New Roman font: Size 14 point.
Body of the Abstract use Times New Roman/Arial Font size 12 point.
Paragraphs should be justified (Straight – Edged) on both left and right.
Use single line spacing.
Presenters should strictly adhere to the allotted time and not to exceed the allotted time.
Maximum time duration: 06+02=08 minutes (Presentation + Q & A).
Identity/ Affiliation of the Presenting Author should not be displayed in the ppt presentation.
Conference Registration Number to be inserted into the Title Slide [Upper right corner].

Abstract Template

Structured Abstract for Original Research:

Materials and Methods– Including statistical methods where relevant
The total number of words for abstract – 250

Structured Abstract for Case Reports/Case Series:

Case Characteristics
Clinical Case (Diagnostic Evaluation, Treatment and Follow Up)
Outcome (Result of tests revealing the diagnosis, response to treatment/ outcome)
The total number of words for abstract – 200

Structured Abstract for Systematic Reviews/ Meta - Analysis

Aim: Introduction for Research question
Methods: Includes search strategy, inclusion/ exclusion criteria, data collection, analysis and synthesis.
Results: Findings of the review should be clearly presented. Results of statistical analyses should also be included in this section. Images, tables and visual data cannot be submitted.
The total number of words for abstract – 250

Category: Faculty Poster

General Guidelines

The e-poster should be prepared in Landscape format and with least amount of background graphics for easy readability.
Minimum font size should be of 22 (Times New Roman or equivalent).There will be one participant per poster.
The poster should be readable from 1.5 – 2 meters
Maximum time- 2+1=3 minutes (presentation + Q & A) [Strictly adhere to the allotted time and not to exceed to avoid negative marking.]
Identity/ Affiliation of the Presenting Author should not be displayed in the poster.
Conference Registration Number to be inserted on the Upper right corner of the e-poster.

Poster Set – up presentation:

The E-Poster (landscape format - 16:9) has to be made by the presenter. Kindly stick to your time and date.